ELITE Spa and Salon

Where you get ELITE treatment for cheaper price!


Balinese Massage, Warm stone Massage, Thai Massage, Shiatsu Massage


Nail Polish, Gel, Shellac, OPI, Revlon, Maybeline


Hair wash, cut, style, color, highlight, treatment


Face accupressure, facial, make-up, eyelash extension.


Body scrub, slimming massage, cellulite treatment.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10 simple tips to get the best from your massage

At Elite Spa and Salon, we offer various kind of massages for relax, unwind and therapy purpose. From balinese traditional massage, aromatherapy massage, warm stone massage, shiatsu massage, thai massage and coin therapy massage, we offer full body massage and massage for specific areas in which you would like to address. With trained therapists, we assure to provide a different experiences and great benefits for health. ( Di Elite Spa dan Salon, kami menawarkan berbagai macam pijitan, untuk relaxasi and  therapy. Mulai dari pijit tradisional bali, pijit aromatherapy, pijit dengan batu hangat, pijit shiatsu, pijit thai, dan kerokan, meliputi pijit seluruh badan maupun hanya di bagian tertentu tubuh anda yang bermasalah. Dengan tukung pijit yang terlatih, kami menawarkan pengalaman pijatan yang berbeda dengan manfaat yang begitu besar untuk kesehatan ).

Below are 10 simple tips to get the best from your massage. ( Berikut adalah 10 tips untuk mendapatkan pijitan terbaik ).

1. Come early. Do not rush. ( Datang lebih awal, jangan terburu buru ).
2. Do not eat just before a massage. Let your body digest your meal first. ( Jangan makan sebelum pijit. Biarkan perut sedikit kosong ).
3. Talk to your therapist. Communicate your expectation and preferences.( Kasih tahu tukang pijitnya apa yang anda mau ) .
4. Take off your clothes to your comfortable level. Only wear clothing that will be comfortable during massage.( Lepaskan pakaian anda sejauh anda merasa nyaman. Hanya pakai pakaian yang nyaman  selama pijitan ).
5. Be open to the process. Do not afraid. ( Tidak usah takut. Ikuti saja prosesnya ). 
6. Breathe normally! It help facilitate relaxation. ( Bernapas seperti biasa, akan  membantu relaksasi  ).
7. Quit your mind. Focus on how the touch feels.( Jangan banyak mikir. Fokus rasakan setiap pijitan ).
8. Don't get up to quickly. Stay for awhile in the bed, after the session.( Jangan langsung bangun begitu pijitan selesai. Tetap berbaring beberapa saat ).
9. Drink after massage. Your body need it. ( Minum setelah pijat )
10. Now you are addicted? Book your next session. ( Sekarang kamu ketagihan? bikin janji untuk berikutnya ).

Thank you for visiting us. Trima kasih.

Like it, share it or leave your comments if you find this tips are useful tips. ( Suka, bagikan, atau tinggalkan komentar anda, jika tips ini berguna bagi anda).

Elite Spa and Salon
Jl. Raya Legian No.350, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Daily Spa Specials

Friday, October 9, 2015

Seminar National Synergitas Sektor Pertanian Dan Parawisata

Back to campus again, one outstanding from my 100 written dreams. Yes, 100! and keep growing everyday :-) For now, I am happy to spend a day in campus, attending National Seminar @ Udayana University, Denpasar. So many actual informations, ideas and inspirations for new agricultural + tourism business  opportunities, or tips to brings the business to next level, inspired by success stories from keynote speakers. Business minded.

World Tourism Organisation (WTO), has lined the policy for developing the sustainable tourism business, into 3 main aspects: sustainable nature, social and economy. This concept clearly indicated that tourism business development should not damage/destroy the nature, environment, and land especially farmland. And nowadays, ecotourism is very welcomed world widely with the trending" back to nature".

Agrowisata  is a variant of ecotourism,
has been rapidly growing in past few years, including Bali as one of the tourist destination in the world. Agrowisata creates tourism opportunities to get people back to farm. Many tourist comes to Bali to enjoy the beautiful island by visiting the rural areas, exploring the great outdoors activity and directly participate in the lifestyle of rural villages / farmer.

Taking part in tourism industry, one of the main target of Elite Spa and Salon Bali with sister Soapyme Organics, is to go back to nature, use natural local varieties products from local resources, to provide high quality products and support local small farmers.

Still a lot of home works, and buckets of sweats, but we will be there.

 Go back to nature and get the most from farm!   

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

International Salon Seminar 2015, a Collaboration Event of Makarizo Malaysia & Makarizo Indonesia

Great thanks to Makarizo, who has invited Elite Spa and Salon, as one of the only 25 top professional salons, from thousands of salons in Bali, who can attend the International Salon Seminar 2015, held @ Stone Hotel, Kuta Bali, 6 Sept 2015/2016. So glad to be there, met all of the owners of top salons from all over Indonesia and delegation from Malaysia, quest hairstylist Incho Hwang (Korean Hair Stylist) and Michael Helmy (Master Colourist Indonesia).

Terima kasih kepada Makarizo yang telah mengundang Elite Spa and Salon sebagai satu  dari hanya 25 top salons di Bali ( di antara ribuan salon di pulau Bali), yang bisa menghadiri seminar international tersebut, yang dihadiri oleh  salon salon nomor satu dari seluruh Indonesia dan perwakilan dari Malaysia. Trimakasih Makarizo!

Trending hair braiding demo
Nice hair huh!

Master Colorist Indonesia
Korean oldest styles and new bombing Korean hair style

Tired but fun after party

Meet some of the owners of top professional salon from Bali
Oh yes, our chair also attended the seminar lol! See the red chair from Elite Spa :-)